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Luminous Object

The objective of the Luminous Object assignment was to create a designer’s version of a lamp, something visually appealing like a sculpture, but also serves its function to illuminate. I initially chose to include an interactive aspect to my lamp, which were wooden and plexiglass cubes that could intersect with one another. As the project wore on, I learned it was far too ambitious of an idea and that it was achievable on its own, I learned that less is more.

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Personal Visual Identity

As a multidisciplinary designer who emphasizes functionality and aesthetics, it was important to convey that through my logotype. The logotype is a simplification of the capital letters of my name, Isabella Harrison. I chose this approach not only for my initials but for the way the two letters interact together, where I could make a pattern, or bullet points. The simplified approach also provides me with a logotype that resembles the equals sign, which is coherent to my personality as I am a proud feminist.


Paper Lamps

As a project to prepare for the luminous object assignment, we were challenged to create interesting paper lamps with one sheet of A4 paper and some tape or glue. The spherical project features “beams” that interlock within each other, which was achieved by weaving the paper strips carefully into place. This part was difficult as I had to work carefully with the delicate material that could
easily tear.

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St.Roch Maritime Museum Exhibit
logotype & auxiliary graphics:

During the time of this project I had the opportunity to collaborate with talented team members additionally, my logotype was selected by the museum curators, which the exhibit panel graphics were based on. The objective of this project was to create a logotype for the St.Roch exhibit at the Vancouver Maritime Museum. The colour palette for this project is based on the naturally occurring hues of the Arctic environment. The St.Roch logotype was created by simplifying an image of the vessel. Elements of the environment such as the Northern lights and ocean are featured with the St.Roch in the logotype which is drawn in the initial sketch. Working with a team to collaborate on design, I was pleased to have my logotype design selected as the primary look for the exhibit panel graphics and overall design.


Social marketing campaign: Don't Trash The Mask

The social marketing campaign objective was to create graphic designs that informed and spread awareness on the subject. My team chose the issue of pandemic waste, and how to properly dispose of medical masks for minimal environmental impact. As a current topic in the media, we wanted to make sure our message was clear and accessible. As our objective was to spread awareness and change behaviour, we wanted to be careful to not demonize masks or mask-wearing as  a core component of design is communication and my teammates and I are not anti-mask. We achieved this by showing masks in a positive light, and by also quite literally saying that “they (masks) protect us (humans) but harm them (animals and environments).”

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Marimekko Brochure & Website

This typography assignment was based on Marimekko, the fabric and lifestyle brand by Swedish designers Armi Ratia and Maija Isola. A challenging aspect of this project was aligning the type in the triangle frames to read nicely and to be visually appealing. The flower edge detail of the brochure is meant to invite the viewer to explore, and the diagonal cut is based on the triangle concept, which is coherent throughout the website as well.

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Nitrogen ice cream shop

Using two 20ft shipping containers, we were required to make an interesting form that maximizes space or the perception thereof. With the challenge of using shipping containers, we had constraints to work within small confined spaces, to solve this I divided one container into two diagonal pieces and placed them on either side of the other shipping container to make a Z shape. Within the space we were required to make, a kitchen and public eating area, the kitchen must fit a certain amount of Nitrogen tanks, fridges and storage for ingredients.


Puro, Organic Cleaning Brand

Puro is the name I came up with for my organic cleaning products brand, to indicate the purity of natural ingredients. I chose black and white for a clean look, and made the logotype a half-philodendron, half-droplet for the organic quality. I chose the philodendron leaf because if I went for a typical green leaf it wouldn’t appear as modern or different.The objective of this project was to create a visual identity for an organic cleaning brand along with a logotype and auxiliary graphics for laundry detergents and hand soap.

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